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Teacher Presentations

Session #2 - 2:00-2:25pm

E-Poster Topic 1 - Engaging Students with Interactive Planetarium Software and App

Presenter - David Sitar (Physics & Astronomy) & Nichole Sumpter (Student)

There are many software programs and Apps available. However, with Stellarium students can explore upcoming astronomical events along with revisiting past events, such as eclipses. Pedagogically, Stellarium is a wonderful teaching tool because it allows users to interact with the night sky. This can range from investigating planets, orbits of moons about planets as well as searching for celestial objects. Individuals can obtain data about objects and also witness different types of motion. Stellarium is stellar to use independently, collaboratively and is user friendly for all age groups. CATEGORY: Learning support tools

E-Poster Topic 2 - The Power of Metacourses: Managing Multiple Sections in One AsULearn Site

Presenter - Sarah Mashburn (Biology)

BIO 1203 is a hybrid lab course that services 700+ students in 24 sections a semester.  Our course structure poses a series of design challenges, which if poorly managed would impede student learning by funneling valuable instructor-time into basic administrative tasks; time that is better spent on improving the learning environment. Key to our time management strategy is the use of a metacourse, but we also use it as our primary data management plan for course (re)design. It acts as a single repository for all student artifacts and assessment data, and thereby facilitates efficient course-wide and section-level analysis and evaluation. CATEGORY: Documenting and managing coursework

E-Poster Topic 3 - Library Reading List Builder

Presenter - Scott Rice (Library)

Curriculum Builder enables you to bring the world of quality databases, ebooks, and other digital resources from the library’s discovery system easily and directly into the online learning environment. Here’s how it works: as an educator, you can search your library’s content from within the LMS. Simply click “Add to Reading List” and your selections are saved. Curriculum Builder allows you to annotate reading list items and copy other reading lists created at your institution.. CATEGORY Documenting and managing course work

E-Poster Topic 4 - Using MS Kinect in K-12 Education

Presenter - Rahman Tashakkori (Computer Science)

MS Kinect and C# Programming Language have been into a program that utilizes MS Kinect to recognize different poses as letters of the English alphabet, thus players use a sequence of poses corresponding to the letters of the alphabet to spell a word. One of the unique features of the game is that it requires players to interact with it and pay attention to various visual features to successfully spell a given word. CATEGORY: Learning support tools

E-Poster Topic 5 - Robot Telepresence for International Teamwork in First Year Seminar

Presenter - Paul Wallace (Leadership & Educational Studies)

In my First Year Seminar course, Make Stuff / Do Things, Appalachian students collaborate with first year students from Future University Hakodate, located in Hokkaido, Japan. In the fall semester 2015, student groups in both locations met synchronously online over the course of five weeks, and were challenged each session with working together to discover solutions to robotics tasks. We employed a mobile Double telepresence robot here at Appalachian, to allow our collaborators in Japan to freely roam around our classroom, talking to students here one-on-one and in small groups, and viewing our robot programming solutions up-close. CATEGORY: Local to global initiatives


E-Poster Topic 6 - Pairing E-Books and Rare Books to Improve Student Research

Presenter - Greta Browning (Library)

The ability to access scores of rare books through Library databases or Google Books is routine for today’s students studying historical topics. Their professors know that this easy access is convenient, but often at the cost of using the physical book, which can provide richer source material than just the words on the page.  Digital and physical books each offer pros and cons for researchers.  In Special Collections information literacy sessions I teach students how to combine these resources to improve their research. CATEGORY: Student research and research tools

E-Poster Topic 7 - The Virtual Cadaver: Incorporating the Anatomage Table into Anatomy Education

Presenter - Ashley Goodman (Health & Exercise Science) & Hannah Blevins (Student)

The Anatomage Table is an innovative, virtual anatomy visualization system containing 3D and 4D high-resolution cadaver and radiological images. Students enhance their learning of anatomy, physiology and pathology via real, accurate patient scans or cadavers that display gross anatomy in real life size. The Table resembles an operating table or hospital bed where students can easily move or “cut” through layers of tissue in male or female virtual cadavers using several options to highlight an anatomical structure, region, organ system, or injury. CATEGORY: Learning support tools


E-Poster Topic 8 - American and Irish Accent Comparison Using Praat

Presenter - Jennifer Dalton (Communication Sciences & Diorders) & Tricia Nicholson (Student)

Praat is a free scientific computer software package for the analysis of speech in phonetics and speech and hearing science. It utilizes speech recordings to analyze acoustic measures such as fundamental frequency, formant transitions, and voice onset. CATEGORY: Student research and research tools

E-Poster Topic 9 - Improving Student Feedback with Online Rubrics & Marking Guides

Presenter - Alan Needle (Health & Exercise Science)

With online learning management solutions, submission and feedback of assignments may be done without utilizing hard copies. However, when using rubrics can typically be difficult using online grading with digital papers and in-class assignments. However, newer modules allow for the integration of rubrics and marking guides in AsULearn that allow for digital grading. These modules have the potential to improve consistency in grading across multiple users and enhance the feedback to the student. CATEGORY: Learning support tools

E-Poster Topic 10 - Using Technologies to Globalize Your Classroom

Presenter - John Tashner (Leadership & Educational Studies)

Open Qwaq is the foundation of our graduate distance education delivery system. Within Open Qwaq are opportunities to use other common technologies including audio/video, .Ppt, posters large and small group audio and text based synchronous and asynchronous interactions. I use various combinations of these and others as we work with presenters around the globe. CATEGORY: Distance/on-line/E-learning tools and strategies

E-Poster Topic 11 - Twitter Chats

Presenter - Leslie Cook (English)

Twitter is a well-known social network platform that uses 140 characters to communicate an idea. Students often use Twitter for social purposes, posting updates and musings on daily life. Many students have Twitter on their cell phones, laptops, or tablets, but just as many students have never used Twitter before. CATEGORY: Supporting in and out of class interaction/collaboration

E-Poster Topic 12 - Moodle + Google

Presenter - Emory Maiden & Mary Beth McKee (LTS)

The Google Apps for Education platform provides many tools for teaching and learning. AsULearn can be used as a flexible platform for Google tools and resources in a course environment.  In this session you’ll learn how these two platforms can be used together to increase collaboration and improve communication in your AsULearn course. CATEGORY: Distance/on-line/E-learning tools and strategies

E-Poster Topic 13 - Math, the 'Action-Consequence-Reflection Paradigm,' and Technology

Presenter - William Bauldry (Mathematical Sciences)

We used the computer algebra system Maple to create microworlds for student explorations. Maple is a computing environment that does computations from arithmetic to research-level mathematics yet has a very accessible interface. CATEGORY: Learning support tools

E-Poster Topic 14 - Learning Stage Accents efficiently using ASULearn

Presenter - Derek Gagnier (Theater & Dance)

Using ASULearn and simple audio recording software (Garage Band) I am able to provide my student actors with 24 hour access to information about the accent they are working on. Further, I am able to guide students through a simple step  by-step learning process, using a recording that includes the necessary sound changes and practice words and sentences for each  accent, along with an accompanying PDF chart with those sounds, words and phrases. The student gets an audio and visual reinforcement of the accent each time they access the ASULearn site. CATEGORY: Utilizing graphics, audio and animation

E-Poster Topic 15 - Adobe Premier Pro

Presenter - Victoria Sutton (Commercial Photography)

TBA. CATEGORY: Utilizing graphics, audio and animation

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